Sunday, May 3, 2020

May the 4th be with you!

  1. Measurement lesson - see below. 
  2. Read for 15 minutes on RAZ kids
  3. Spend 15 minutes doing math online - IXL, Starfall, etc.

Happy May the 4th be with you day!  So as you all know, Mrs. W. is a BIG Star Wars fan.  Today is May 4th, it is Star Wars day because when you say May 4th, it's sounds like the famous line from Star Wars, "May the force be with you."  Anyway, to celebrate Star Wars day I want to do a lesson with on nonstandard measure using Star Wars LEGO.

So I chose to use minifigs as my nonstandard measure.  It took 11 minifigs to measure the Millenium Falcon.  When you choose something to measure with, they all have to be the same size.  Also, it is important the you start at one end of the item you are measuring and that you measure all the way to the other end.  Make sure there are no spaces between your measuring tools.
The next nonstandard measure I am going to use are crayons.  Which is longer the crayon or the minifig?  I bet you noticed the crayon is longer.  Do you think I will need more crayons than minifigs to measure?  Let's see!

So the Millenium Falcon is 11 minifigs long.  It is 5 crayons long.  The crayons are longer so you don't need as many of them to go across the Falcon.
Pick a toy to measure.  You are going to measure it twice, using two different nonstandard measures.  Draw a picture and tell how long your toy is.
Send your work to your teacher on Remind!  May the 4th be with you!!!

Please read for 15 minutes on RAZ kids.

Mrs. Anderson’s teacher username:  kanderson85 password: turtle picture
Mrs. Chapman’s teacher username:  achapman41 password: read
Mrs. Witoslawski’s teacher username: lwitoslawski password: read

Please do 15 minutes of online math either Starfall or IXL.
Starfall usernames and passwords were sent through Remind.  OR use the free activites.   (Chapman and Witoslawski)  
IXL Username: firstinitiallastname@highviewelem  Example:  jsmith@highviewelem
Password: math

💚Mrs. W.

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