Monday, June 1, 2020

Day 48 - Summer Writing

Good morning, kindergarten! Can you believe that the school year is almost over, and it is almost summer vacation? During the summer, the weather is warmer, so you can do lots of activities outside…don’t forget to wear sunscreen! To start our lesson today, I want you to watch these three videos. Two of them are songs about things that you can do and enjoy in the summer, and the third one is Kid President talking about some of his favorite things about the summer.

Now that you’ve watched the videos, I want you to think about one of your favorite things to do during the summer. Is it one of the things mentioned in a video, or do you have another favorite activity that you plan on enjoying? For your assignment today, I want you to draw a picture and write at least two sentences about what you like to do in the summer. I want you to use the sentence stem
In the summer I like to…

You can see here that I’ve drawn a picture of Hadley and I taking a walk together. We have been taking daily walks around our neighborhood, and it’s always one of my favorite times of day. So, using the sentence stem I told you about, under my picture I want to write the sentence, “In the summer I like to go on walks with Hadley.” I’ve already included that sentence stem on my paper. See, it says, “In the summer I like to.” Notice that I started with a capital “I,” but I used lowercase letters for everything else that I wrote. Now I need to stretch out the rest of my sentence. In the summer I like to go on walks with Hadley.

Remember how I told you that I wanted you to write at least two sentences? Now I need another sentence or two about my walks to give my writing more details. Well, I always find our walks fun, and I especially enjoy them when it is sunny. So, I think I want to say, “They are fun. We like when the sun is out.”

It’s your turn now. Pick one of your favorite summertime activities, and write at least two sentences about it. Don’t forget to start each sentence with a capital letter and end each sentence with a period. Make sure to spell all sight words correctly, and do your best to stretch out all the other words. Make sure to send your finished pieces to your teacher. We can’t wait to see all the fun things all of your are planning to do this summer!

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