Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Day 1 All About Trees

Good Morning Kindergarteners! Today is our first day of digital learning. I miss you all so much, but I am excited to share learning with you online! Everyday we will learn something new about a theme. If we were in school right now, we would be starting a new science unit all about the animals that live in trees, so we are going to do it online instead! For our first day we are going to learn all about the trees themselves so we can understand why animals might make them their home. First, we are going to listen to a fiction story about animals in trees. Listen for the words the author uses to label the parts of the trees and the animals she says live there.
Listen to the story of the Busy Tree link: https://youtu.be/3XWm7xdAJzw

What animals did you see in and around the tree? What were the parts of the tree she talked about? Go back and relisten to the story if you need help finding those answers!

Did you hear at the end how the author said a girl found a seed and planted it to make new trees? Now let’s watch a non-fiction video about how trees grow. Link: https://youtu.be/4BtKAkP5xOk
The seed we just saw was an acorn. Do you know what acorns grow into? Oak trees! Like the big tree in front of our school. While on a walk in your neighborhood today see if you can find any left-over leaves from fall that look like this, these are oak leaves.

There are many different kinds of trees. Each tree looks different and has different shaped leaves.
Here is another video that shows leaves and trees that grow near your house: https://youtu.be/PqWnno9bmLQ
Watch this video to learn more about different kinds of trees from all over the world: https://youtu.be/NFBo5bj1tfU

Here is another video that explains how trees grow: https://youtu.be/SWPqQxz-7gg

Today I would like you to use a piece of paper to draw me a diagram of a tree. Make sure to label the parts. Use this video if you need a reminder for what things are called: https://youtu.be/4_bfS_q9Amc
Take a picture of your diagram and send it to me via Remind or Email. I want to see all your beautiful work!

Finally, here is a fiction story about Curious George planting a tree: https://youtu.be/VgnBUCv4qmQ
Can you retell the story to a parent? What happened at the beginning, the middle, and the end? What did George learn?

What did you learn today? I had fun teaching you all about the different kinds of trees and the different parts of trees. Take a minute to think about all the new information you learned today. Tomorrow we will learn about one of the animals that uses trees as its home. Don’t forget to do at least 1 math page and 1 language page from your packet, read your books, and spend some time writing today. Maybe you can write about a tree!

If you are interested in more information about trees check out these videos:

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