Click on Prek -K
Scroll down to day 2 Living Things - Plants
Click on Take me there.
Click "Watch the Story." to see the video of the story.
Click "Read the book" to hear the nonfiction book. You can click "read along" in the blue box above the book to have it read aloud.
Go back to the main page and click the video "What are Plants?"
Can you think of some plants that you like to eat? What parts of the plant are they?
Good Morning Kindergarten. Today’s lesson is going to be a
short review of positional words. Words like on, under, over, in, and between
are so important in kindergarten that we learn about them in math, science, and
social studies. Here are some practice videos and songs to help you remember
what each of the positional words mean.
I encourage you to play a hide and seek game as a family
where you hide a toy around your house and use positional words to talk about
where you can find it. For example, if your brother hides your teddy bear under
your pillow, when you find it you can tell him “it was under my pillow, on
my bed!” For your activity today, I would like you to draw me a picture of one
of your toys and write a sentence describing where it is in the picture.
So, what did you think of the story? Do you think the nightingale will find him? The inchworm had a good plan to save himself.
The inchworm is a nonstandard measurement. A nonstandard measurement is anything that is the same size that you use to measure things. An example of standard measurement would be a ruler or tape measure. In kindergarten we measure items using all kinds of things like cubes, tiles, and links. Those are nonstandard measurements. Watch the Brainpop Jr. video to learn about nonstandard measurement.
Good Morning Kindergarten! Today we are going to talk a
little bit about maps. A map is a picture of part of the world. Maps show what
the land looks like from above, as if you were looking down from an airplane or
flying over like a bird. Let’s read Me on the Map to learn more about
Here is a little more detailed information about how to use
and make maps. You can watch just the first two and a half minutes of this
video, the end of it gets more into first grade learning about compasses and
measuring to make maps.
This next video for today talks about a special kind of map,
the globe. The globe is a map that shows our whole earth. It is shaped like a
sphere because earth is also a sphere.
Finally, whether we are using maps or just giving directions
we need to know many different positional words to describe where to go. Check
out this fun song about following directions.
For today’s activity, I would like for you to draw a map of
your room like the little girl in Me on the Map. Don’t worry about
measuring or getting everything in the right place, just try to remember to
draw things from above as if you took the roof off your house and looked down
Today is the
end of our second week of learning at home.I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with all of your hard work!
I know we
have been sending you many links on Remind. Please keep in mind that these are resources
for you to use.Use as many or as few as
you like.Please don’t feel like you have
to use them all or do them on a particular day. We provided these to help you do some learning
at home, not to overwhelm you.
The goal
with these enrichment activities is to keep the skills we have learned in kindergarten
so far, we do not expect you to be teaching new learning.
With that
said, thank you so much for all you do.Stay safe and enjoy this close time with your families as much as you
can.I miss you all and can’t wait to
get back to kindergarten.Have a great
Good Morning Kindergarten! Today is Fun Friday. Here are a bunch
of our favorite books and videos for you to listen to and sing along with. Have
a great weekend and enjoy hanging out with your family.
Good Morning Kindergarten,
Today we are going to learn a little more about weather. Last week we learned about how the weather in March can change drastically. That's why we hear "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." This week we are going to learn about all kinds of weather. Click the link for "My Wild Weather Day."
When you get there, click login then click "I am a student" and put in the password starkind3273
Click the video link. What kinds of weather did we have this week? March really does come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. We had snow, rain, and sunny warm weather this week!
Click the "read and listen" tab under the issue Wow! I thought we had a crazy weather week!
What's your favorite kind of weather? Draw a picture and write about it in your writing journal.
You can use your own words, or a writing stem. "I like _______________ because___________.
You can send me your pictures is Remind, if you like. Thank you kindergarten and have a GREAT weather day!
💙, Mrs. W.
Good Morning Kindergarten! Yesterday we talked about wants
and needs and goods and services. Today we are going to take a look at how we
make goods from natural resources available on our Earth.
We make everything from natural resources. Here are a few
fun How It’s Made videos you can watch. You can also search “how it’s
made ____________” for any of your favorite toys or foods. There are thousands
of these videos.
For your activity today, draw me a picture of three of the natural
resources we learned about today. Mrs. W is going to post another lesson today
about weather, make sure you check it out.
I was thinking that it would be fun to read about some other animals you might see in the forest or even your backyard, like the ones from The Busy Tree. We going to be reading two stories about rabbits. The first story is fiction, a story that is make believe and isn't real. The second book is all about rabbits. This book will teach us about real rabbits. This book will have facts, true things about rabbits. Let's start by listening to Morris's Disappearing Bag.
Click the link.
Click Prek-k
Click Day 1 Take me there!
Click Morris's Disappearing Bag.
When we read books in kindergarten we try to think about the story in order. Click the tab on the left that says "Which came first?" When you are done click the tab that says "Read the Book" to hear the nonfiction book about rabbits.
This story was fiction, rabbits don't talk and act like people in real life. The next book you will read is nonfiction. It has facts about rabbits in it. You can go to the menu on the left and click the "Read the book" tab.
I hope you learned some interesting things about rabbits! Let's play fact or fiction.
Click the tab on the left that says fact or fiction.
If you click on the house icon on the top left of the webpage, next to the word bookflix, you can find lots of other book pairs to explore. I hope you enjoyed our book pair today! 😊
If you would like more information about rabbits, click the link to a below.
Good Morning Kindergarten! Yesterday we learned all about
what plants and animals need to survive. Today we are going to look more
closely at what people need. These first two videos are about the differences
between wants and needs.
Now that you know the difference between wants and needs,
watch If You Give A Pig a Pancake and see if you can figure out which things
that she asks for are wants and which are needs.
Talking about wants and needs is one way of categorizing all
the things that we buy or spend money on. Another way is by splitting them into
goods and services. Let’s learn a little more about goods and services.
Both goods and services can be a want or a need. For example,
a doctor’s visit is a service you need but a pizza delivery is a service you might
want. Now let’s look a little more closely at how people get goods and services
by buying them.
Today we use money to buy things including digital money on
credit cards and on our phones, but the idea is the same. We give some money to
a person in order to get the things we want and need. For today’s activity, make
me a T chart with some things you want on one side and things you need on the
other. Don’t forget to spend some time reading practice books today and working
in your packet.
Good Morning Kindergarten! Last week we learned all about
trees and animals that live in trees. Today I want to talk a little more about
all living things and what they need to survive. Let’s start by learning about
the difference between living and non-living things.
This video says that things like sticks and dead leaves
still count as living things. In our classroom we actually make a third
category called “once living” meaning that they were living, but now they are
not. What else might go into the once living category? How about a dead spider
or tree lying on the forest floor? Here’s a tricky question, is water living or
non-living? Water is actually non-living. It does not reproduce or need nutrients.
In fact, it is a major nutrient for almost every living thing.
Let’s learn more about what living things need to survive.
Living things are typically split into two categories: plants and animals. Let’s
start by looking at what plants need to survive.
For today’s activity I’m going to ask you to make a Venn
Diagram. A Venn diagram is a picture with two circles that shows how things are
related. On one side we are going to put what plants need to survive, on the
other we will put what animals need, and in the middle, we will put what both plants
and animals need. When you are done making your own Venn diagram don’t forget
to send it to me so I can see it.
Good Morning Kindergarten!
Today we are going to work on a math activity called 3 Acts. Just like a play, this math problem will have three parts. Before we begin I want to talk about the word estimate. An estimate is like a good guess about a number. Let's start with the first video clip.
Act 1
What do you notice? What do you wonder?
How long is the worm? (in unifix cubes)
What is your estimate?
Act 2
I'm going to give you some clues to help you solve the problem.
Good Morning Kindergarten! Today we are going to listen to
several books by the same author. This is called an author study. Sometimes we
listen to books that are written by the same author and are about the same characters,
sometimes we listen to author’s books about different characters. Today we are
going to listen to stories by Jane Yolen about dinosaurs. They are all about
the same characters, but they each have a different setting. The setting is
where a story takes place. For example, in our first story “How Do Dinosaurs
Eat Their Food”, I noticed two settings, some of the pictures show the
dinosaurs at their house, in their kitchen and some show the dinosaurs at a restaurant.
For each story see if you can name the setting or where the story is taking
Good Morning Kindergarten. So far this week we have learned
about trees and two animals that use trees as their homes; squirrels and owls.
There are many more animals that live in trees, but today I want to teach you about
one specific group of animals, bugs. Bugs are very important in the tree life
cycle. Watch this video to learn about them.
So yesterday we learned that bugs can get into the bark of
trees and cause damage creating holes. Today we learned that when trees
eventually die and fall over it is the bugs and worms’ job to break down that
tree and turn it back into soil or dirt. These animals are called decomposers. They
break down all of the waste left out in nature. Watch this video to learn a
little more about decomposers.
Let’s learn some more about worms. Watch these videos to
learn what makes worms so special and important for trees.
So now we know that worms help make healthy soil by breaking
up nature’s trash like dead leaves and plants. Without worms and other bugs we
would have a much more cluttered forest floor and dead trees would not break
down over time.
Now let’s read a silly fiction story about a worm. This
story is called Dairy of a Worm, a diary is a book that is written by
the character. You will hear the worm telling the story from his perspective. Tell
your family about your favorite part of the story.
Today is Friday, so instead of doing an activity about worms,
I would love it if you drew and wrote about your favorite thing that you did
this week with your family. Tell me what you loved about this week. On Monday
our lesson is going to be an author study with many books from one my favorite
authors. Enjoy the weekend!
Good Morning Kindergarten,
Today is the first day of spring so I am going outside to look for signs of spring outside of my house.
Here are some pictures
This bird is called a robin. It is the official bird of the State of Michigan. Seeing a robin is a sign of spring. Here's a short video about robins. Let me know if you see one!
Spring comes during the month of March. Here is a scholastic link for an issue about March. There is an old saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." Click on the link, add your student password from the technology page I sent in Remind, and then check out this issue.
Good Morning Kindergarten! Today we are going to learn a
little more about another animal that uses a tree as its home. This animal
likes to hunt at night and sleep during the day. It can turn its head almost
all the way around and has very large eyes. Any guesses what it could be? It’s
an owl. Today we are going to look at how owls use trees and learn more about
these amazing birds.
I had no idea that some owls were awake during the day. Did
you know that?
I noticed that many of the owls were making nests or
sleeping inside holes in a tree. This made me wonder, how to trees get holes in
the first place? Let’s listen to One Small Place in a Tree which
explains how holes develop in trees.
So how did the holes develop in the story? Do you think all
holes start from bear scratches? No, but most holes do start from little breaks
in the bark of trees and bugs that get into them and eat away the wood.
So now we know that owls use holes in trees to build nests
for their babies. They also use tree branches to sit on and hunt from way up
high. One of the things the videos taught me is that owls are great hunters
because they can fly silently. Let’s learn more about how they are able to be
silent flyers.
I noticed that most of the owls we saw today had beautiful
patterns on their feathers. Take a closer look at some of these feathers.
Today I would like for you to practice making some patterns.
Remember the most important thing about patterns is that they repeat over and
over. For example, these feathers are brown, white, brown, white, brown, white.
We call this an AB pattern because it has two colors that change back and forth
Try drawing three different kinds of patterns using
different colors or shapes then send me a picture of your work. Try making an:
-AB pattern
-ABB pattern
-ABC pattern
Parents feel free to encourage your kids to make even more
complex patterns if this is too easy, just remember they have to repeat.
Learning our sight words is one of the most important skills we practice in kindergarten. Once you know which sight words you need to practice I recommend going to YouTube and searching "Jan Richardson Sight Words". These videos teach the sight words just like we do in school. It will help your child learn even more than flashcards alone. Don't worry if they are not exactly the same words we teach, any additional sight words students know help them be better readers.
Here are a few videos to help you get started using some of the digital resources Mrs. W sent out this morning.
All About Using Raz Kids
All About Starfall
Logging Into IXL Math
Unfortunately, Mrs. Anderson's Class does not have access to this resource. I did not sign up for it back in May of last year because I rarely use it with my students in a normal year.
Good Morning Kindergartners! As promised, today we are going
to learn about an animal that lives in trees right in our neighborhood, squirrels.
I am sure you have seen squirrels living in your backyard or along your street.
What color squirrels have you seen before? Let’s start today by watching a couple
of non-fiction videos about squirrels.
Now let’s learn a little more about squirrel nests. Some squirrels
live in holes in trees, but most squirrels build nests. Have you ever seen a
squirrel’s nest before? Check out this video, then look outside around your
house, I bet you can see a squirrel nest right now.
Squirrels don’t just live in trees; they also rely on trees
for their food. Do you know what squirrels eat? Here is a video all about squirrels’
main food, nuts! Nuts are seeds from trees like acorns.
Now we know that squirrels use trees in two ways, they use
the branches as a home for their nests and they eat the seeds or nuts and
sometimes fruits from the tree.
Now let’s read a couple of fiction stories that feature
squirrels. While listening to the story think about what the problem is in the
story and how the character fixes it.
We have learned lots of new things about squirrels today!
For our activity I want you to write 3 sentences about squirrels using the
stems “Squirrels have_____________” “Squirrels can _______________” and “Squirrels
eat ______________”. You can also draw a squirrel in its habitat. Don’t forget
to send a picture of your work when you are done so we can see it. It makes us
so happy to see all you do while we are apart.
I miss you all and would much rather be doing a reading group with your smiling faces! Instead I will show your families how we do reading in school so that they can help you while your are reading at home.😁
Good Morning Kindergarteners! Today is our first day of
digital learning. I miss you all so much, but I am excited to share learning
with you online! Everyday we will learn something new about a theme. If we were
in school right now, we would be starting a new science unit all about the
animals that live in trees, so we are going to do it online instead! For our
first day we are going to learn all about the trees themselves so we can
understand why animals might make them their home. First, we are going to listen
to a fiction story about animals in trees. Listen for the words the author uses
to label the parts of the trees and the animals she says live there.
What animals did you see in and around the tree? What were
the parts of the tree she talked about? Go back and relisten to the story if
you need help finding those answers!
Did you hear at the end how the author said a girl found a
seed and planted it to make new trees? Now let’s watch a non-fiction video
about how trees grow. Link:
The seed we just saw was an acorn. Do you know what acorns
grow into? Oak trees! Like the big tree in front of our school. While on a walk
in your neighborhood today see if you can find any left-over leaves from fall
that look like this, these are oak leaves.
There are many different kinds of trees. Each tree looks
different and has different shaped leaves.
Today I would like you to use a piece of paper to draw me a
diagram of a tree. Make sure to label the parts. Use this video if you need a
reminder for what things are called:
Take a picture of your diagram and send it to me via Remind
or Email. I want to see all your beautiful work!
Can you retell the story to a parent? What happened at the
beginning, the middle, and the end? What did George learn?
What did you learn today? I had fun teaching you all about
the different kinds of trees and the different parts of trees. Take a minute to
think about all the new information you learned today. Tomorrow we will learn
about one of the animals that uses trees as its home. Don’t forget to do at
least 1 math page and 1 language page from your packet, read your books, and
spend some time writing today. Maybe you can write about a tree!
If you are interested in more information about trees check
out these videos: